The worldwide market for debt portfolios has exceeded $158 billion in face value annually. In response to growing need, Kaulkin Ginsberg, the leading strategic advisor to the Accounts Receivable Management (ARM) industry, now offers specialized services for debt buyers and sellers.

Extended Reach for Debt Sellers
Clients selling portfolios will benefit from Kaulkin Ginsberg’s proprietary database, enabling even the most experienced debt sellers to identify qualified buyers beyond their network. “Our reach is so vast, so we can help credit grantors, resellers, and brokers expand their buyer base,” said Mike Ginsberg, CEO of Kaulkin Ginsberg. “By zeroing in on the right buyers for specific accounts, we can enable sellers to maximize the value of their portfolios for sale.”

The firm’s established relationships with large strategic and financial buyers also present an opportunity for debt buyers looking to recapitalize their business through the sale of inventory. “This is a definite trend among debt buyers,” noted Mark Russell, Director at Kaulkin Ginsberg. “Selling their entire inventory creates a bigger sale, which is attractive to these financially qualified buyers.”

Advice for New Debt Buyers
Collection agencies, collection law firms, and investors are also finding success as buyers of debt portfolios, and more of these companies are entering this market as a result. “These companies already have the relationships, data analytics, infrastructure, and proven collection strategies in place for servicing creditors,” said Jamie Welsh, Director of Kaulkin Ginsberg. “To help them get started with their own portfolios, we provide proven portfolio valuation expertise, purchasing advice, and access to alternative sources of capital.”

Market Intelligence for Experienced Debt Sellers and Buyers
Increasing competition within traditional and commoditized asset classes is directly impacting return margins, causing established players to explore new market segments that have less competitive purchase opportunities. When seeking new areas of growth, investors need to understand the market and how to capitalize on it. Kaulkin Ginsberg’s research team has experience analyzing these market segments for seasoned market players. Paul Legrady, Director of Kaulkin Ginsberg and leader of the research team, added, “Given the complexities of different market niches, it’s a good idea to look before you leap.”

Mr. Ginsberg noted that these new services are a natural extension of the firm’s established advisory expertise. “We’ve been strategic advisors in this industry for over 15 years. Our connections and skills translate well to advising clients on loan sales and acquisitions.”

Editor’s Note: Kaulkin Ginsberg is the parent company of Kaulkin Media and

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