Sentry Credit, Inc. has achieved yet another level of compliance with its first Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 16 (“SSAE 16”) Type II.  The opinion encompasses the audit and testing of specific controls supporting Sentry Credit’s collections solutions, Information Technology infrastructure and accounting processes. Sentry Credit, Inc. received a clean independent service auditor’s report (“audit opinion”) covering the controls.

Steven Wood, Sentry Credit’s Director of Information Technology, stated, “An SSAE 16 audit reflects Sentry Credit’s commitment to further provide the reliability, security, and service our clients have come to expect from us.”

Sentry Credit contracted the services of IS Partners, LLC, a Certified Public Accounting firm that specializes in Service Organization Controls (“SOC”) / SSAE 16 attestation engagements to perform the audit.

Sentry Credit, Inc. is a leader in accounts receivables management for major banks and financial institutions across the country. Specific sectors of specialization include Financial Services, Auto Deficiency, Education, Healthcare and Home Mortgage.  Founded in 1992, Sentry Credit maintains its vision of providing excellent service and performance through ‘constant and never ending improvement’. (CANI)

IS Partners, LLC, an independent Certified Public Accounting firm registered with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“AICPA”).  IS Partners, LLC focuses solely on performing Service Organization Controls (“SOC”) audits for service companies throughout the United States, Canada and United Kingdom.

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