by Mike Bevel,

Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson has been chosen by Smith County as the tax collections law firm of choice over rival firm Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins & Mott.

“We sent out a Request for Proposals and received responses from two fine firms,” Smith County Tax Assessor/Collector Gary Barber said in an interview with the Tyler Morning Telegraph. Amping the rhetoric up to a Sophie?s Choice Eleven, Barber went on to say, “Making a recommendation in this is tough, it’s like asking a parent which child they like best.”

What separated the Linebargers from the Perdues was a difference of 5 percent: Linebarger et. al. attaches a 15 percent penalty to delinquent taxes while Perdue and Co. add 20 percent.

“I have friends and supporters from both firms; both law firms are excellent,” said Commissioner Bobby Van Ness. “But we must go ahead with what’s best for our taxpayers.”

Linebarger also proposed sending some of its staff to work full-time in the county tax office. That staff could help answer questions and clear up issues on-site.

Commissioners voted unanimously to award the contract to the Linebarger firm.

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