The collection industry needs you…again. Tomorrow, Representatives in the U.S. House will be voting on a bill that would kill the IRS private debt collection program (“House Set for Vote on IRS Private Collection Bill,” 10/9). ACA International has already called their membership base to action.

So just what action is needed? Good-old fashioned phone calls…a core competency for collectors, it should be noted. Just call your Rep, that’s all. Further, if you happen to be in town for the FTC workshop starting tomorrow, why not drop by your Rep’s office? It is public property, after all. For the record, you should tell them to vote against H.R. 3056, or the "Tax Collection Responsibility Act of 2007."

Even though the IRS collection contract itself is limited to two agencies currently, and set to expand to only around 10 at its peak, the program is important for the industry. Think of it in a “rising tide lifts all boats” context. Or, think of it as a good industry doing good work for the largest client in the country. Either way, regardless of your agency’s actual participation in the program, it’s a good thing for the industry.

If you do contact your Rep, make sure to voice your opinion but be careful with what you say. Avoid phrases like “dirt-bag commies” and “bed-wetting liberals” and “government workfare programs.” This program is good enough to survive on the facts rather than relying on irrational emotional arguments.

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