Arc Group Associates, a leading provider of revenue cycle solutions to healthcare institutions, is pleased to have recently earned an endorsement from the American Hospital Association (AHA) for its Claims Follow-Up Solution.

After a review of providers in the market, AHA Solutions, the endorsement facility of the AHA, selected Arc Group because of its exclusive dedication to healthcare, extensive customer service operation, and consistent delivery of ROI. Combined, these factors have resulted in very strong customer satisfaction levels.

Arc Group CEO, Eric Greenberg, notes, “This endorsement is really a recognition of the outstanding healthcare expertise and results-oriented focus of our team. We are able to deliver significant reductions in AR days and denial rates because of the customer focus, knowledge base and national experience of our employees.”

Nationwide, Arc Group clients report outstanding outcomes from Arc project engagements: significant AR reductions, immediate and accelerated cash flow improvement, quicker claims turnaround times, and major decreases in bad debt expenses. Most importantly, clients report continued and sustained process improvement throughout their entire business office.

“We are pleased to add Arc Group’s Claims Follow-Up Solution to the AHA Revenue Cycle Management Platform. Their innovative reputation and domain expertise on a variety of patient accounting systems, makes their outsourced solution an ideal choice for healthcare providers,” said Polly Mulford, Director of AHA Solutions.

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