The United States Organizations for Bankruptcy Alternatives (USOBA) is pleased to announce an alliance with Auriemma Consulting Group (ACG). They will be performing an unprecedented benchmarking survey for the debt settlement industry. Many regulatory agencies have indicated a need for debt settlement industry statistics; USOBA could not agree more and has stepped up to the plate to deliver.

"Our industry has been misunderstood for far too long. The small number of bad actors dominates the headlines, while legitimate debt settlement companies are helping thousands and thousands of debt ridden consumers every day. It is time for that misunderstanding to change and the benchmarking statistics generated by ACG will provide the necessary information to paint an accurate picture of the industry," says Jenna Keehnen, Executive Director of USOBA.

The statistics gathered will include pertinent information regarding company size, number of clients serviced, graduation rates and much more. "It is the first time that an industry wide survey has been available to the debt settlement industry," says Krysten Howerton, Director of Member Relations. "It is important for our member companies to have the ability to see how they stand next to other debt settlement companies. Our member companies continually seek ways to raise the bar and this will give them the tools to successfully accomplish that goal."

About Auriemma Consulting Group
Since 1984, ACG has offered comprehensive management consulting, consumer research, and benchmarking services to the financial services industry with a particular focus on payments, lending and retail banking. ACG clients include credit card issuers, commercial banks, auto and mortgage lenders, merchants, networks, and industry vendors.

ACG is recognized as the industry leader for benchmarking services. The studies provide clients with strategic solutions to problems based on industry best practices. The company completed more than 150 benchmark studies in 2008 on topics ranging from operational performance to portfolio metrics to collections and recoveries. With offices in New York and London, ACG offers actionable solutions to maximize clients’ efficiencies and revenues.

The United States Organizations for Bankruptcy Alternatives (USOBA) was founded by leading members in the debt settlement industry seeking representation outside of credit counseling and bankruptcy law. USOBA brings individual representation together as a united front to protect the debt settlement industry and to secure its future. We are committed to working with and to providing information to legislatures, regulators, consumers, creditors, and governmental bodies to help them attain a better understanding of this industry.

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