Dennis Rivera, the long-time leader of the nation’s largest local union of health care workers — New York- based 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East — will leave that post to become chair of SEIU Healthcare, a new, national union of nearly 1 million health care members being formed inside the Service Employees International Union.

The new national union’s goal is to unite America’s 10 million health care workers in SEIU Healthcare to stand up for quality care, comprehensive health care reform, and good jobs that support families and encourage people to pursue careers as nurses and other health care workers. Rivera will also lead an effort to unite SEIU and health care employers to help spur reform.

"Dennis Rivera knows how to bring people together to change lives and lift up communities," said Andy Stern, president of SEIU. "Dennis has reached out to employers to create pioneering partnerships for change, he has reached out to other health care organizations and unions, and he has worked with elected leaders of both parties to bring health care to millions and improve quality care in hospitals and nursing homes.

"He’s tough, smart, and compassionate, just what’s needed to help transform health care in this country," Stern said. "At this moment in history, as the winds of change are blowing toward fundamental health care reform, and as SEIU redoubles its efforts to fix our broken health care system, Dennis’ decision to shift his focus to the national effort couldn’t come at a better time."

Rivera’s departure from 1199 SEIU, after 18 years as its president, is expected to become final this spring following the union’s campaign in Albany, NY to defend against attempted cuts to health care services for New Yorkers.

Cathy Singer, a leader in SEIU’s Nurse Alliance, said Rivera’s decision to chair SEIU Healthcare would elevate the effort to unite America’s 2 million RNs.

"This is a good day for nurses and patients," she said. "Having Dennis Rivera in our corner will energize our efforts to turn things around and provide the best quality care for our patients."

SEIU Healthcare is being formed as the number of health care members in the union approaches 1 million.

"We want to take the strength of 1 million health care members who already are united in SEIU and reach out to health care workers in every corner of our country," Stern said. "We believe we’re at a tipping point where we can be the spark to help make quality, affordable health care available to everyone."

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