TouchStar, a world class provider of call center technology, today announces its 4th Annual User Group Conference to be held October 10th, 11th, and 12th at the Hyatt in the Denver Technological Center.  It is expected that many of TouchStar’s 1,600 clients will attend.

Based on feedback from past attendees, the format of the User Group has been updated for 2007 with a clear objective of helping to maximize return on investment.  Significant changes include:  the addition of separate business and technical breakout sessions, many new presenters, more interaction among users, and an advanced training option that does not overlap with standard courses.  TouchStar will also be training users on several new applications that have already been released, such as Advanced Inbound Features, Visual Supervisor, Quality Assurance, and more applications planned for release prior to the conference.

With separate business and technical tracks, users are guaranteed to take home more useful information than ever before to help them maximize their return on investment.  Technical sessions will include hands-on labs, and new speakers that include some of TouchStar’s most requested technical support and development team members.  The business track will also include group discussions with new TouchStar team members and other users to learn new strategies for campaign management, list management, and utilization of the many new features.

Advanced Training will be offered on Wednesday, October 11th, for the clients who are looking for hands-on and more in-depth learning.  Advanced training topics will soon be announced to TouchStar clients and topic suggestions will also be welcome.

Steve Bederman, TouchStar’s CEO, commented:  “We are looking forward to welcoming our clients, friends, and partners to our user group this year.  In the last few months, we have made more progress than ever before with our product development and our support business processes.  Through our continued growth, we have been able to add development, project management, product management, and support resources.  TouchStar’s future is brighter than ever and our clients are going to benefit from our continued success; I am looking forward to sharing our vision.”

Brian Smits, TouchStar’s Global Marketing Director, stated:  “We have a lot of new offerings to share with our users this year to help them drive profitability.  I am really looking forward to introducing a new marketing initiative that will benefit our clients tremendously, but it is a secret for now!”

Registration and additional conference details will be available on June 1, 2007.  Attendees that register before July 15th will receive a discount on their registration fee.

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