Interactive Data, a leading provider of contact accuracy services has donated 1,000 copies of a powerful new documentary to soldiers and their families. The film called “This is War- Memories of Iraq” is about a group of National Guard soldiers who saw intense combat in Iraq during 2004-2005. The documentary is being heralded for its powerful ability to help families connect with loved ones who have served in a war zone.

John Schaeffer, President of Interactive Data decided to donate the DVDs as a way to say thank you to the troops. “After watching the film I was struck by how powerful the images were” said Schaeffer, “A couple of veterans I know who were in Iraq have seen it and commented that it was the first film they had seen that accurately captured what it means to be in combat in Iraq” Schaeffer went on to explain that family members of soldiers also found the film to be especially poignant as it gave them an idea of what their loved ones had gone through during their tour overseas. But given the current economy conditions, these same families may hesitate in purchasing the DVD as money has tightened considerably.

Scot Laney, Executive Producer of “This is War” said, “We applaud John Schaeffer and Interactive Data’s timely and generous donation of DVD’s to the troops. In a time where everything is negative about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, we hope our film can give families a glimpse into the world that these heroes operate in.

The documentary focuses on nine soldiers who saw extensive action in Iraq in 2004-2005. Over 90%of the background footage taken by the soldiers themselves, (sometimes even while they were in the middle of combat) giving the film a gritty authentic feel. Hailed for its honesty, this non-political documentary has been critically acclaimed, won multiple awards and has been fully embraced by the military, even though it pulls no punches.

Schaeffer noted “Compared to WWII, this is a war where no one at home has had to make a significant sacrifice. You look at what the troops are doing on our behalf and we have it pretty easy in comparison. I think every business should step up and do something to say thank you. For us it was the DVD’s because they help both the soldiers and their families by showing what these guys and gals have gone through. The way I look at it, our soldiers shouldn’t have to buy one of these DVD’s, since they have already paid for it with their service”.

About Interactive Data

Interactive Data LLC (ID) is the industry leader in locating and identifying individuals that are typically difficult to find. Based in Atlanta GA, ID offers a variety of search products, including Cell Phone Suppression, Social Security, Real Estate Listings, Death Index, and Bankruptcy listing searches, as well as Data Warehousing and cost-efficient unmask-pricing for Directory Assistance. Leveraging more than fifty years of collections industry experience, ID creates relevant, customer-focused searches that are both comprehensive and cost effective. Each of these products work seamlessly with IDs advanced online and batch products. For more information, please visit, or call (678)584-5252.
About The National Combat History Archive
The National Combat History Archive is dedicated to preserving the memories of our treasured veterans so that future generations may never forget what they have done for our nation. Donations of photographs, moving images, books, personal accounts and artifacts are all welcome at the National Combat History Archive. Lucky Forward Films is the documentary film arm of the NCHA and the producer of “This is War – Memories of Iraq” if you would like to find out more about how your business can donate DVD’s to our soldiers and their families contact us at or call 503-597-7030

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