BSI eSolutions, LLC, announces Smart Credit-Check.    

Smart Credit-Check is an integrated process that manages the secure ordering of Credit Reports and storing of the credit report data within the Cogent Collection Software relational database.  Imagine being able to set business rules around who can order credit reports, set balance limits, enforce number of days since last credit report, or limit to certain clients or portfolios, etc.  Now imagine being able to set security on who can order or view these credit reports.

Next consider that the credit report is displayed in a style sheet that is constructed to display key information found in the report.  Finally, because the report is stored in a computer readable format instead of text any new information found in the credit report can automatically be updated into the debtor record(s) automatically.

These capabilities allow collectors when on the telephone with debtors to order a real-time Credit Report and review it with them as part of the talk off or if a Credit Report exist that is not older then 60-days (user controlled) this report is what is displayed.  This is aimed at providing immediate credit information while also creating efficiencies and cost savings.

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