With dialers, you pretty much have two options: Premised, where you purchase a solution that’s off-the-shelf, requires an army of IT guys, and has very little room for error (“Did I assume the correct number of lines/ports? What happens if I didn’t? How much more will that cost me?”). And Hosted, which grants an agency a lot more control, flexibility, and growth.

Not to tip the hat: but TCN Inc. thinks the choice is obvious.

In this free whitepaper, you’ll be better armed with information when making the choice between a premised dialer solution and a hosted dialer solution. “When agencies can access unlimited lines/ports, their dial strategy changes,” TCN suggests. This whitepaper will show you how.

Download TCN’s “Hosted v. Premised: You’re Not Getting the Maximum ROI Out of Your Dialer” whitepaper now.

Next Article: Medicare Given Two More Years to Live
