by Mike Bevel,

While the fate of the IRS?s plan to turn delinquent tax accounts over to private debt collectors remains in limbo ? due mostly to confused public perceptions and the Democratic takeover of both the House and the Senate ? cities, counties, municipalities, etc., are more and more frequently turning to private debt collection agencies to help recoup revenue that can?t quite seem to make its way out of citizens? pockets and into the governmental coffers.

Take, for instance, Oswego, New York. At its meeting this week, the Administrative Services Committee sent a resolution to the full city council that would authorize the Port City entering into a contract with a collection agency, Central Service Bureau, to collect delinquent parking fees.

?In 2005, there were approximately 5,489 tickets written with approximately 575 unpaid, which equates to about $20,260 in lost revenue,? City Police Capt. James Comerford explained in a statement before the council. ?If this agreement with Central Service Bureau is enacted, we will have a process where we will be able to recoup a large portion of lost revenue with no cost or risk to the city.?

The committee voted unanimously to send the request on to the full council for consideration Monday.

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