US Consumers signing up for debt relief programs soon discover that collection call relief may not be part of the package. The DAAN Group of Maumee, Ohio has combined law and technology to end the calls immediately so consumers can concentrate on reducing their debt instead of arguing with debt collectors.

Most debt relief ads on TV and radio claim to stop collection calls. In reality, it could take up to 3 months after entering a program to finalize a debt reduction plan. In the meantime, many consumers are bombarded by collection calls. Worse yet is the fact that some of those debt relief agencies actually want the dehumanizing calls to continue to scare consumers into continued program compliance. Consumers quickly realize they are paying into a program with one hand and explaining their situation to impatient and abusive collectors with the other. But technology has come to the rescue.

The patented Debtor-Activated-Account-Notification system or "DAAN", was invented by attorney Ken Jursinski and telecommunications executive Tom Adkins. DAAN discreetly and automatically redirects annoying collectors to the consumer’s credit counselor without the consumer ever saying a word or even remaining on the line with the calling collector.     Here’s how it works. Consumers entering a debt relief program are issued a compact, DAAN Home Transmitter Module that simply plugs into any phone jack in the home. When a collector calls, the consumer presses the phone’s star key and hangs-up, "instructing" the DAAN Module to redirect that caller. That’s a huge relief to spouses, who usually field the bulk of home collection calls daily, resulting in strained marital relationships nightly. It’s also a welcomed way to discreetly end collection calls when family or friends are present. Creditors appreciate the notification because their collection departments are usually the last to be told an agreement has been reached. This way, they save time and money by eliminating repetitive calls to consumers who screen calls or won’t answer the phone. Debt counselors, who spend post sign-up time routinely fielding collection call complaints from clients, welcome the service. But not all parties want the calls to stop.

"When we were interviewing debt relief agencies for DAAN, one told us that they actually wanted their clients to continue getting collection calls so the clients would continue paying into their program, yet their TV ads claimed they would stop the calls. Consumers beware!" said attorney Jursinski. After a lengthy search, Jursinski chose AAA Fair Credit Foundation of Salt Lake City, Utah to offer the DAAN system to consumers across the USA. "We chose AAA because we found them to be a true, non-profit credit counseling agency, who wants their clients to become debt-free without the devastation caused by collection calls. I personally met with AAA’s CEO and visited their offices. AAA is open, honest and truly concerned about their clients. That is the kind of organization I want to represent DAAN," adds Jursinski.

Abusive collection calls are a growing problem for consumers, as evidenced by the Federal Trade Commission’s 2006 annual report to Congress. Over 90,000 complaints about collection calls were filed with the FTC in 2005, almost double the number of complaints received in 2003. Even more disturbing is the fact that the Commission believes that the number of consumers who complain to the FTC "…represent a relatively small percentage of the total number of consumers who actually encounter problems with debt collectors." Credit counselors also know firsthand the effects of collection calls. "We have so many individuals coming to us who are just overwhelmed and beaten down by the number of collection calls they receive almost daily. We can now help our clients effectively eliminate those distressing calls while simultaneously facilitating direct and open communication with their creditors. This [DAAN] is truly a winning situation for all parties involved," said Preston Cochrane, President of AAA Fair Credit Foundation.

Testimonials confirm DAAN works. "One gentleman told us he had over 100 creditors, most calling him daily. After several days of DAAN use, his phone went peacefully silent. Another lady told us DAAN saved her marriage!" reports Jursinski. At about 40 cents a day for unlimited use, DAAN looks like the solution for those short on cash and troubled by calls. "Considering the catchy credit card ads that preceded this crisis, I see a new slogan emerging," he added, "DAAN…don’t stay home without it!" To learn more, go to or contact The AAA Fair Credit Foundation at 1-800-351-4195.

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