Net Gain Marketing, Inc. (NGM) has announced that, a flagship service offering of the company that tracks government and student loan purchasing nationally, has exceeded $50,000,000,000.00 in portfolios tracked and monitored, as of earlier this quarter.

This means that the total value of portfolios available for collection through contracting opportunities announced at the site is now greater than this threshold for the first time since the service offering came online in 2008.

The site allows users to know the past, present, and future of government and student loan contracting through tools that let those users:

  • Know in advance when government and student loan buyers will be ready to buy collection services.

  • Know what happened with various government and student loan requests for proposal (RFP) after those contracts start, including why the buyer picked who they picked, in very specific detail.

  • Know what prices competitors typically offer for government and student loan contracts.

  • Know what successful government and student loan contractors typically say in their RFP responses in order to win more business.

  • Know when requests for proposal are released by government and student loan buyers.

The effectiveness of in helping companies win government and student loan contracts led one user, the president of a government contractor, to state, “ has proven to be the most effective tool we use in our sales effort. Many products can simply tell you what contracts are out for bid or will be out for bid. Only provides the information that allows us to approach the bid process completely informed. The amount of information provided is unequaled by any other vendor in this field. I consider to be the best value of any of the tools we use, not just in our sales division, but our entire list of vendors. In short, gives users a distinct advantage over those who are operating without it.”

To mark this occasion, any companies who sign up for access to the website by June 30, 2013, will receive three user licenses for the price of one.  Learn more or sign up for a demo or free trial at

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