Architech Corp. today announced that it has successfully completed a large-scale integration project for AHC Healthcare Receivables Management. Architech created a single, Web-based solution for AHC’s 1,054 different engagements that has enabled AHC to simultaneously reduce prices for its services and profitably manage greater volumes of customers.

“Summarizing, printing and mailing weekly client status reports associated with 1,054 different engagements comprised a significant operational burden. Architech worked closely with AHC to understand our needs and goals and craft a successful solution that would accommodate our growth in customers and services,” said David Agarth, chief operating officer (COO) with AHC. “By replacing a paperbound process and making all of our clients’ billing/reporting systems accessible and manageable through one Web interface, Architech helped us create a more sustainable model for doing business. We’ve cut errors, enhanced archiving capabilities, reduced staffing requirements for sending out reports by 80 percent and re-assigned many of those workers to higher-level, more strategic roles.”

AHC’s team of 500 attorneys and healthcare reimbursement specialists help hospitals work with and establish coverage for uninsured patients, address incorrect billing issues, challenge and appeal denied or unjustly delayed claims, identify underpayments and secure accurate reimbursement. Architech integrated the disparate billing systems operated by AHC’s clients under one automated system. AHC’s clients gained direct input-and-edit, data-analysis, results-trending and exceptions-reporting capabilities.

In addition, Architech recently assisted AHC in setting up new TLS technology for encrypted file transfers for an important client. The client’s requirements and time frame for the file transfer process made it difficult and labor intensive for AHC, but Architech was able to quickly establish the new TLS connection to the client and secure their data for transfer. “The Architech engineer was very responsive,” said Kevin Hagood, a systems director at AHC. “He understood how important the project was to us and acted accordingly.” AHC plans to use the new TLS file-transfer technology with future clients.

“Healthcare reimbursement is a growing, dynamic field marked by frequent change in insurance-related legislation and receivables-industry trends,” said Joe Tedesco, chief executive officer (CEO) with Architech. “We sought to create a solution that would free AHC’s attorneys and other professionals to keep abreast of that change and concentrate on collecting more money for more clients. We continue to work closely with AHC in understanding its business goals and meeting technology challenges.”

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