IAT recently published the white paper “What is True Predictive Dialing?” to inform collection agencies regarding variations in technologies and the potential benefits and challenges of their dialer selection.

“The generic label ‘predictive dialer’ is very misleading, especially within the ARM industry” said Ray Fowler, IAT Sales & Marketing Director. “Collection managers are frequently frustrated by their predictive dialing choice because its capabilities are limited. We want collection agencies to understand why their dialer works—or doesn’t work—the way they expect. This white paper delves into the technology behind predictive dialing and gives insight into the differences.”

The paper compares two types of dialers: true predictive dialers and generic dialers, referred to as “static” dialers. Some key features addressed include call pacing, phone line allocation, inbound blending and skills-based routing. It also explains the consequences of each predictive dialing type from call pacing and agent productivity to manager time requirements.

“You shouldn’t need to babysit your predictive dialer all day,” said Randy Cooper, IAT President/CEO. “Oftentimes generic dialers require constant monitoring and input, forcing the manager to do little else. A true predictive dialer is anchored in very hands-off technology, so the manager can focus on helping agents.”

Founded in 1986, IAT SmartDial provides compliance capable cloud-based, site-premised and hybrid dialing solutions for ARM industry organizations of all sizes and varieties.

“The ARM industry requires technology not found in other industries’ dialing offerings,” Cooper said. “Long agent wait times or lots of calls on hold are just not acceptable, but that’s what you’ll find when agencies use a generic dialer. IAT has focused on the ARM industry from the beginning. We provide the collection-specific technology needed to maximize collecting efforts.”

To download a complimentary copy of the whitepaper, “What is True Predictive Dialing?” visit this link.

IAT has been developing collection-specific dialing and messaging technology for more than a quarter century. Located in West Jordan, Utah, IAT provides products not only for the United States but internationally. Site-premised dialers, cloud-based services and hybrid solutions—IAT offers cutting-edge predictive dialing and IVR solutions to fit every collection organization.

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