I embraced the Innovista name for our firm because it combines two central themes of our law practice: innovation and vista – the long-term view. Working shoulder-to-shoulder with my clients, entrepreneurs typically in the telecom and related technology industries, I help them map out their strategies and overcome obstacles to achieve their goals. Before co-founding Innovista, I was a partner at a leading Washington, D.C. law firm. Trained as a litigator, my practice has grown into that of an outside general counsel as comfortable in a courtroom as the boardroom.
In the courtroom, I typically represent competitive carriers and technology and software companies who face legal challenges in the telecommunications, technology, and privacy-law sectors. I have litigated cases and counseled clients in a wide variety of complex disputes, including individual and class-action cases arising out of contract, tariff, interconnection agreement, commercial tort, consumer-protection, and privacy laws. I have tried cases in federal and state court, and have helped clients reach key victories through briefing at both the trial and appellate levels.
In the boardroom, I have worked with numerous emerging telecommunications companies, helping them navigate regulatory hurdles – including registration, compliance, and foreign-ownership issues. I also draft and negotiate a wide variety of contracts, such as telecommunications/ISP service agreements, software/platform/infrastructure-as-a-service agreements, MVNOs, and reseller and marketing agent agreements. I prepare and help implement regulatory-compliance plans, privacy policies, and develop channel strategies. Having litigated many of these issues, I know where the proverbial mines are and help my clients sidestep them. More here.