Kaulkin Ginsberg, the leading consultancy and M&A advisory firm focused on the accounts receivable management (ARM) industry, is pleased to announce the launch of a quarterly webinar series for ARM professionals for 2014. A one-hour webinar will be held to discuss the hot topics and current events that define the ARM the industry.

Mike Ginsberg, President and CEO of Kaulkin Ginsberg, and Rozanne Andersen, Chief Compliance Officer of Ontario Systems, will host this series.  Mike and Rozanne will provide their perspective on the matters at hand and invite guests from other industry leading companies to share their viewpoints.

Mike Ginsberg stated, “I am thrilled to team up with Rozanne Andersen to discuss the affairs of the ARM industry in an open and conversational setting. We spend a lot of time in the field with the movers and shakers for the industry and look forward to sharing our collective viewpoints with you in this format.”

According to Rozanne Andersen, “Mike and I have collaborated on projects for over 15 years and are excited to have the opportunity to bring our combined experience of over 40 years to the industry we know, care about and serve. The collection, asset purchasing and collection litigation industry is undergoing dramatic change – some would even say a revolution. We hope to bring both an educational perspective as well as a calming perspective to the industry through a robust dialogue on the issues of critical concern.”

The first webinar of the series will be held on Thursday, February 20, 2014 at 1pm EST,  click here to register. The password needed to register is: 02202014

To stay informed on registration details for the February 18th webinar and for upcoming webinar dates, register for Kaulkin Ginsberg’s bi-weekly digest

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